Union Hill area Attracts Developers
We have a number of development projects proposed one the edge Union Hill. This page is where we will catalog them and maintain the latest information about them. If you hear of something that isn't on our development page, please let us know!
Martini Corner Reinvisioned
Exact Partners has begun work on the former Sol Cantina restaurant. The new restaurant will be Barrio Bistro and they are on track to open before summer 2023.
Levy Project
The Levy at Martini Corner is a proposed market rate multifamily development to be located at 506 E. 31st Street, Kansas City, MO. It will involve the razing of the existing buildings and the new construction of a single building on the site. The initial user of the property was the Levy Brothers Meat and Provision Company in 1925, hence the project name.
The developer says that work on this project will commence in August 2023.
Link to Union Hill Letter of Support

A joint venture of Exact Partners and MSG Investments of Prairie Village plans 52 apartments and a neighborhood grocery store within the historic Aines Farm Dairy Building.
Apartments will consist of studio, one- and two-bedroom units. Better yet, there are plans for an approximately 10,000-square-foot neighborhood grocery store in the building.

2700 Main
The UHNA Board has held several joint meetings with the UHHA Board about this proposed project and a special working group of both organizations was created to craft a position letter to be sent to our City Council representatives. Once that letter has been finalized and sent, we will provide a link to it here.
You can read a recent article about the project here: Business Journal Article Link
And you can view a summary of the results from a survey about the project that we conducted by clicking the button below.